Ready to break away from the high dollar multi-blade razors? Save a ton of money and get a better shave the old fashioned way with a safety razor. In this guide we’ll walk you through some of the most widely available blade options.

Breaking Down the Blade
What are you looking for in a blade? Locating the best safety razor blades can be just as difficult to find the right blade as it is to find your razor. And, just like the search for the best safety razor; finding the holy grail doesn’t end with your first purchase. There are a few factors to look into when you are buying blades, as always, price matters.
However, most blades are going to run you about 10 cents per blade. So you have a little wiggle room in picking up the perfect blade. What is really important is finding the right combination of sharpness and durability. You can choose from aggressive Japanese steel. Or you can choose efficient German blades. Both are highly rated. But, one might edge out the other when it comes to your skin and beard type.
When you go to get your blades, remember that you are also going to want to pick up some shaving cream and a proper brush as well. In order to find your holy grail moment of shaving you need to have all your favorite and personalized products. While it may seem like quite the start up cost, once you have the products needed the whole process becomes very affordable.
A wet shave is not only an old school way to bring a little tradition into your shaving ritual, it will also get you the most comfortable close shave regardless of your beards thickness.
Seeing Double? A Few of the Best Safety Razor Blades to Choose From
Now that you have an awesome safety razor, you have once again a plethora of options to choose from that vary in everything from price to where they are made. We are going to go over some of the best safety razor blades, and share with you why we love them. All in an effort to help lend a hand in your switch to wet shaving.
This German blade is a classic in the world of double edge shaving, in use since 1896, and even with it’s heftier price is the best value on the market. So what makes this razor unique on the market?
Both efficient and consistent this top brand gives you a sharper steel than most, and its materials are something to take note of. They are made with stainless steel platinum and then coated in a Teflon. What does this mean? It gives you at least 3 shaves with a very coarse beard, and up to 10 with a thin beard. The high carbon steel is made to last long but still give you the aggressive cut you need. The product coming out of Germany is a consistent buy, and fit into an standard handle.
If Merkur sounds good, wait until you hear about Feather, which is perhaps number one on the market for wet shaving with double edge razors. This precision blade comes from the land perhaps best known for its steel swords, Japan. As you might guess the Japanese Feather blade is the sharpest on the market for the closest shave possible. This is definitely not a beginners blade. It’s blade is literally made the same way as your surgeon’s blade! Talk about being sharp and precise.
So what’s it made out of? Hi-Stainless Platinum. That means that you are getting a fast and close shave for up to 15 shaves regardless of your hair thickness! Their price is less than Merkur, will work in any standard double edge razor and have been on the market in Japan since 1964. The biggest con, it is very sharp, and you may need a lighter razor or even want to adjust your shaving style to apply less pressure.
Next we have a classic Russian blade made by the popular Gillette brand. If you have normally been going to a barber shop to get your smooth cut and love the feel of that blade ten you can enjoy the Astra the most. Used most by pros, this high quality steel is then coated with platinum and individually wrapped. This all goes to create an super smooth shave for about 7 decent shaves. While these blades are now part of the the Russian Gillette empire, they were originally designed and produced in Czech Republic.
So what sets these blades apart in our group? If you find yourself with a more aggressive razor and continue to cut your chin and cheeks then this might be a good blade to start with. While they are pretty sharp they are also smooth, which means you can pop them into your beginner razor without too much concern. They come in a wide array of options, so think about getting a variety pack first.
And finally a blade from the United States….that was then perfected in Germany and England before making its way back. The Wilkinson was made for those of us who have sensitive skin. The company has upgraded their blades quite a few times to give you a stainless steel blade that is then triple coated with chromium so that you won’t have to deal with corrosion in your razor. As if that wasn’t enough, they continued to add value to their product by offering a razor that has additional ceramic coating to last longer and the PTFE for skin that irritates easily.
What is PTFE? It’s a type of Teflon that is non stick so you can get a smooth climb even on the most irritable skin. These blades are the most affordable on the market without sacrificing a good quality product. The only drawback to these razors, even with all the durability coating, you will only get about 5 or 6 shaves from this blade. Also if you find yourself with a very thick and coarse beard, you might find that it pulls at the beard.
How do you choose the best safety razor blades for sensitive skin?
So there isn’t a magical blade that works best on sensitive skin. We actually recommend that you try a sample pack if you’re skin is a little on the sensitive side. When shopping for a sampler try to find something with more aggressive blades, by that we mean blades that are sharper and require fewer passes. Some of our favorites are Astra Green, Kai, and Personna.
Also, to make your skin less sensitive you may want to experiment with your cleaning, washing, and shaving products. Some things like bar soap might dry your skin making it more prone to irritation.
What are the best blades for a beginner?
Any of the blades we mention above will work great for a new DE / safety razor user. Just buy a pack and take your time when you’re getting started. Also, begin on a part of your face that’s relatively flat and doesn’t have a ton of hair. For example on your cheek in front of your sideburns. Also if you’re nervous or aren’t quite ready to move to more difficult spots… shave what you can. Then finish things up with your old shaver.
Who is the best safety razor blade maker?
We really like Feather, but there are a lot of great manufacturers out there. Blades are kind of like wine. There are tons of great ones out there, but you’ll need to experiment and gain some experience to figure out what works best for you. But in all honesty there isn’t just one single brand that blows anyone out of the water in terms of quality or results.
Final Thoughts
Picking the right blade, like picking the right razor is going to be a process of trial and error. And, even within the different types of blades there are options! Start with these titans of the blade industry for a consistent shave and then narrow down your option on what feels best to you. There is no wrong blade in the world of shaving!